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Gavin Dobson

Gavin Dobson creates colourful nostalgic screen prints from his paintings

Gavin Dobson has been a member of Print Club London for the past 3 years, which serves as a great creative work space and a hub to maintain and expand connections with other artists, as well as experiment with techniques and push boundaries of what screen prints can be. He has exhibited at the Affordable Art Fairs for the past 3 years with them and was one of 20 artists chosen to create and exhibit at Somerset House as part of their Summer Screen Season with Film 4. 

His screen prints often depict colourful, nostalgic images; Iconic designs which are humorous ornamentation and invite an opening for conversation. He has a background in Graphic novels and his illustrations have featured in many publications and also as book cover designs for Bloomsbury.


Next: Affordable Art Fair at Battersea March